How to Travel Oregon Without a Car
How to Travel Oregon Without a Car All the places you’ll go (on public transit) We cover a lot of ground – our service district spans 533 square miles. But that’s only a fraction of Oregon’s 98,000 square miles. Fortunately, you can make easy connections to...
Checking In on Ridership and Service
Checking In on Ridership and Service One sign that life is slowly returning to its previous rhythms can be seen in our ridership numbers. For the first time since March 2020, the number of people riding has increased over four consecutive months. Last month — June...
What Is Transit-Oriented Development?
What Is Transit-Oriented Development? How can our community build more affordable housing, reduce traffic congestion, create vibrant communities and sustainably grow transit? It’s all possible, and transit-oriented development (also known as TOD) is how you can do...