Rolling Out Soon: Our Largest-Ever Bus Service Expansion

May 30, 2018

Our largest-ever expansion of bus service is officially a “go” with the approval of our Fiscal Year 2019 budget last week.

Thirteen lines will soon have more frequent buses or will run for more hours. We’ll also be bringing back 24-hour service to two lines, the first time we’ve offered all-night service since 1986! Most of these improvements will roll out this September with the remainder coming in March 2019.

Here’s the increased bus service you’ll soon see:

  • Lines 61, 64, 66 and 68 — all of which serve OHSU and Marquam Hill — will have expanded hours of operation.
  • Line 81-Kane Rd/257th will have more than 20 additional weekday buses.
  • Line 24-Fremont will be extended across the Fremont Bridge.
  • A new all-night bus — Line 272 — will go to Portland International Airport.
  • Line 4-Division/Fessenden — one of our longest and most popular routes — will be split into two lines to help keep buses on time.
  • Line 20-Burnside/Stark and Line 57-TV Hwy/Forest Grove will run 24 hours a day.
  • Line 73-122nd Ave will have increased weekday service with buses arriving every 15 minutes most of the day.
  • Line 96-Tualatin/I-5 will have more service with 25 new mid-day buses between Tualatin and Portland.

We’re also moving forward with important safety and security upgrades, a low-income fare, buying new buses (including five new battery-electric buses) and continued work on the Division Transit and Southwest Corridor projects.

Read more about what our Fiscal Year 2019 budget includes.

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