Commemorating May 26th, 2017

May 11, 2018

Nearly a year ago, our community was left reeling in the wake of the tragic attack on a MAX train near Hollywood Transit Center. What transpired on May 26, 2017, remains in our memories — as does the overwhelming community response of healing and love.

If you’ve traveled through the Hollywood Transit Center in recent weeks, you’ve no doubt noticed the station’s renewal. A mural has transformed the formerly gray walls into a vibrant tribute to the selfless individual acts aboard the train and our community’s response.

On the 1-year anniversary, there will be a gathering at the Hollywood Transit Center to dedicate the mural and commemorate those targeted and the incredible outpouring of love, support and unity that followed. We’ll be co-hosting this community event with the Hollywood Boosters and the Hollywood Neighborhood Association.

Here’s the schedule:

Saturday, May 26, 2018
3:30 p.m. – Gather at the Transit Center
4:00 p.m. – Dedication Program begins
4:30 p.m. – Open time for reflection and community healing

You can RSVP here.

Be aware: Because of the event, the bus stops at Hollywood Transit Center will temporarily be relocated nearby before and during the program. We expect the Transit Center to reopen to buses by about 5:30 p.m.. The MAX platforms will remain open and trains will serve the station.

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