Cash fares accepted on buses again starting October 1

Sep 24, 2020

Starting Thursday, October 1, you can once again pay your fare on buses with cash.

We recently finished installing operator safety panels on all our 40-foot buses being used in service. These safety panels are similar to the clear barriers that you now see protecting clerks at grocery stores and other checkout counters. Ours are made of safety glass and they’ll help block the airborne droplets that spread COVID-19. 

The cash farebox is within a foot or two of the bus operator. Often, riders paying with cash will have to spend time near the operator while inserting their bills or coins. The safety panels will help give both our operators and you an additional layer of protection.

The safety panels join our other onboard safety measures, including frequent and thorough cleanings, a mask requirement for all riders and TriMet employees, hand sanitizer dispensers, and free face masks

Even though we are now accepting cash on board again, we strongly encourage you to pay with contactless payment options like Hop. We’re fighting a virus that can be spread via touch, and anything that reduces the number of people touching the same item – like a farebox or cash itself – can be helpful. You can purchase a plastic Hop card from hundreds of local retailers, or you can buy a virtual one on your phone

Finally, a note of thanks to all our riders. This year has brought many changes and necessary inconveniences. We appreciate your patience while we got to a place where we felt we could safely accept cash on buses again. Stay safe, and stay strong. 

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