Transit Riding Tips from Bus Drivers Driving a bus is rewarding, but it can also be tough. Buses are big and our streets are often tight. Most riders are great, but sometimes our drivers have to deal with challenging people. Like many jobs, there is often a lot to...
All About Ventilation and Airflow on MAX and TriMet buses Here’s some fresh air for transit riders in light of the CDC’s announcement that COVID-19 can spread via airborne transmission: There is excellent ventilation on our buses and trains. MAX Airflow While the...
Cash fares accepted on buses again starting October 1 Starting Thursday, October 1, you can once again pay your fare on buses with cash. We recently finished installing operator safety panels on all our 40-foot buses being used in service. These safety panels are...
Our Plan to Restore Service When we temporarily reduced service in early April, we told you it was a painful-but-necessary change that would help us bounce back when conditions improved. We now have a plan and timeline for bouncing back. Starting Monday, August...
Peacock Lane Travel Game Plan Holiday season is here, which means the popular Peacock Lane Christmas displays are back. Increasingly, the only thing more impressive than the lights are the traffic backups. Without planning ahead, what was supposed to be a fun family...