How We’re Speeding Up Buses Sometimes a small change in our roads can have a big impact on how fast we all get home. Recently, we’ve been working with PBOT and ODOT to improve intersections where buses (and cars) frequently get stuck in traffic. Here’s...
Watch: What happens behind the scenes during a MAX disruption? What’s happening on the ground when MAX stops running and our construction crews descend on a section of track? Lots, it turns out. Let’s look at one stretch of tracks between SW Adams and S...
The Plan for This Fall’s Hillsboro MAX Improvements Our next MAX improvement project kicks off today in Hillsboro, where we’re replacing worn-out rails and tackling other important projects that will give you a smoother ride and fewer delays. The entire project...
Recap: Providence Park MAX Track Work It may have only lasted six days, but we got a lot done. The MAX track work last week outside of Providence Park allowed us to rebuild an aging section of tracks that was causing reliability issues. Here’s what we did: There were...